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Atomic, molecular and optical physics seminars from the JRM Lab.

Atomic Physics Seminars are usually at 1330 hrs on Wednesdays in Cardwell 144.
Departmental Colloquia are usually on Mondays at 1600 hrs.
Nuts & Bolts is held in CW119 at 1330 hrs on Mondays.
The atomic physics seminar series is managed by Vinod Kumarappan.

Fall 2009
Date Speaker Topic
02 September Zhangjin Chen
A robust all-non-optical method for the characterization of single-shot few-cycle laser pulse
09 September Kevin Knabe
Accuracy of a photonic crystal fiber based acetylene near-infrared frequency reference
16 September DOE AMOP Meeting - No Seminar
23 September No seminar
25 September
Fri, 1430
Fatima Anis
Role of nuclear rotation in H2+ dissociation by intense ultrashort laser pulses PhD Defense
28 September
Mon, 1600
Brian Washburn
Holey fibers & nanotubes! Advances for fiber lasers and fiber laser-based frequency combs Colloquium
30 September Kathy-Anne Soderberg
Quantum computing with atoms and ions
07 October Bishwanath Gaire
Net zero-photon dissociation of H2+ in few cycle pulses
14 October Jinkang Lim
A compact high repetition rate femtosecond Er doped fiber laser frequency comb for a precision optical frequency metrology
21 October Jesus Hernandez
The single active electron approximation
28 October Christine Aikins
KSU Chemistry
Theoretical studies of the optical absorption, EPR, and chiroptical properties of gold and silver nanoparticles
04 November Sankar De
* Canceled *
11 November Michal Bajcsy
Toward single photon nonlinear optics inside a hollow fiber
12 November
Thu, 1000
Hyounguk Jang
Photoassociation with excitation in cold Rb atoms Oral Exam
16 November
Mon, 1600
Valer Tosa
Polarization, ionization and spatial gates in single attosecond pulse generation
18 November Wei Cao
Xiaoming Ren
Dynamic control of autoionization states in CO induced by high order harmonics
Molecular alignment and its measurement by velocity map imaging
25 November Thanksgiving Break - No Seminar
02 December Shuo Zeng
Study of H2+ dissociation in intense laser field using Floquet theory

Last updated on Friday, 04-Dec-2009
Past seminar schedules may be found via our sitemap.