How to fill out and place a purchase order at the JRM Lab.
JRM uses Microsoft InfoPath to manage purchase order forms electronically. Please use the URL below to fetch and fill a new PO (never try to store the ".xsn" form on your local machine - they are dynamic!). Fill in the form as completely as possible before forwarding it to the responsible principal investigator and to the department's accountants at If your computer doesn't seem to handle the InfoPath XML files, contact Vince Needham at
JRM Purchase Order Form:
If you have questions, contact the lab director, Artem Rudenko,
The ordering procedure must comply with Physics department policies and the regulations of the KSU central Purchasing Office. The goal of the purchasing rules is to achieve a balance of low cost, time efficiency, and fairness to vendors and buyers.
There are two types of purchases, briefly described here:
These items can be ordered directly from the vendor by telephone. Some vendors may ask you to type the order on an official letterhead and fax it to them. You are encouraged to shop around and be aware of multiple vendors for items of interest to you.
For these items we write specifications and send them to the Purchasing Office in Anderson Hall. The Purchasing Office sends these specifications to our recommended vendors on their own official forms. After about 2 weeks (3 weeks for > $10K) we receive the bids. If we want any vendor other than the low bidder, we must state why and exactly which of our original specifications are not satisfied by the low bidder.
The central Purchasing Office of KSU frowns on the practice of splitting large orders into multiple smaller orders for the purpose of avoiding the bid process.
Questions regarding these should go to Kim Elliott.
Last updated on Tuesday, 09-Jan-2024