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Schedule your required safety orientation tour here.
Note that this form is temporarily unavailable due to our migration of mail services from Physics to K-State. Please contact Charles as below to exchange this information via e-mail.

Everyone working in the lab is required to receive safety instruction. Please study our safety information, then read our infractions policy. To then request a tour, complete the form below and a Macdonald Laboratory staff member will contact you. If you have questions, please contact Charles Fehrenbach, JRML Safety Orientation Instructor.

The items labeled in red are required information.

First (Given) Name:
Middle Initial:
Last (Family) Name:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone Number:
Work Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
K-State eID:
Street Address 1:
(home or best contact address)
Street Address 2:
Postal Code:
Personal Emergency Contact:
(spouse, parent, etc.)
Personal Contact Phone:
(if "Other", specify below)
JRM Supervisor or Contact:
Preferred Date & Time:
Comments, Considerations
or Requests:
I understand that I am responsible for my own safety in the laboratory and agree to abide by the laboratory regulations and the environmental safety and health guidelines of the Macdonald Laboratory.
I have read and understand the JRML document "Procedures Relating to Personnel Who Fail To Comply with Lab Safety Rules".

Last updated on Thursday, 21-Nov-2024