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The Kandango road bike tour of June 2018.

Kandango is a three-day, roughly 200-mile bike tour of the Flint Hills region of Kansas. The event has both road and gravel variants, both hubbing out of Manhattan. I did the road ride, plus a little extra, and logged about 220 miles total. There was common revelry between the two group at the Blue Earth Plaza in Manhattan, the old St. Joseph's church in Geary County, and the old Volland store in Volland.

Each thumbnail below links to another gallery featuring part of the trip.

Junction City - White City
Dwight - St. Joseph's Church

71 miles; Fri, 01 June

Manhattan - Riley
Olsburg - Manhattan

64 miles; Sat, 02 June

Manhattan - Alta Vista
Volland - Alma

86 miles; Sun, 03 June

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