X-ray Streak Camera
(Laser Lab)

Zenghu Chang's group uses the x-ray streak camera experiment in the Laser Lab.


X-ray Streak Camera

One goal of optics research at JRM is the production of coherent x-rays. These x-rays are made when very short infrared laser pulses interact with atoms. Streak cameras allow spectral analysis of these fast pulses of x-ray energy. This instrument can observe soft x-ray signals with sub-mm one-dimensional spatial resolution and sub-ps time resolution.


X-ray Streak Camera

Recent Publications from this Experiment:

  • "Tunable high harmonic generation with an optical parametric amplifier"
    B. Shan, A. Cavalieri, Z. Chang
    Appl. Phys. B 74, s23-s26 (2002).

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Last updated on Friday, 10-Feb-2006.