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On Day 3 of Biking Across Kansas we rode 68 miles to Hoisington. This was a gorgeous day to be on a bike and the official century route day (though a broken cleat limited me to a mere 100 km).

You can view this ride in detail at Garmin Connect, Strava, or at Ride With GPS.

Each thumbnail below links to a much larger image of about 3.3 MB in size.

I remember this shed from 2011!

I do not recall saving the souls of pilots.




Another military trail historical marker, near Alexander.



The Alexander rest stop has other attractions.

Such as fossils embedded in the large stone benches.




Me and an old girlfriend in the Rush county park.



Another sponsored lunch, in the Rush county park.







Brought to us by the historical society!


Liquid helium plant in Otis. Messer has acquired Linde and PraxAir.






A meth addict's dream.


Drippy looking even sillier than usual.



Wind turbine maintenance.







Entertainment in Hoisington.






Sunset in Hoisington.

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