ABT 1609 - 15 Jul 1688

  • BIRTH: ABT 1609
  • DEATH: 15 Jul 1688, Portsmouth, Newport, RI
Father: Richard FOWLE
Mother: Mary FILKES

Family 1 : Richard BORDEN
  • MARRIAGE: 28 Sep 1625, Headcorn, Kent, England
  1.  Richard BORDEN
  2.  Thomas BORDEN
  3.  Francis BORDEN
  4. +Mary BORDEN
  5.  Elizabeth BORDEN
  6.  Matthew BORDEN
  7. +John BORDEN
  8.  Joseph BORDEN
  9.  Sarah BORDEN
  10.  Samuel BORDEN
  11.  Benjamin BORDEN
  12.  Amey BORDEN

                 |  |__
 _Richard FOWLE _|
|                |   __
|                |__|
|                   |__
|--Joane FOWLE 
|                    __
|                 __|
|                |  |__
|_Mary FILKES ___|
                 |   __

[4531] "Certain Comeoverers"
Crapo, Henry Howland
New Bedford, Mass.: E. Anthony & Sons, 1912; p254

"The Bordens of Headcorn, Co. Kent"
G. Andrews Moriarty
NEHGR v84, p228 (Apr 1930)
"Five of his children were born in England, and the
remaining seven in Portsmouth, RI."

"Genealogical Research In England: Fowle-Borden"
G. Andrews Moriarty
NEHGR, v75, p226 (Jul 1921)

"The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island"
John Osborne Austin
Joel Munsell's Sons, Albany, NY: 1887; pp. 23-24

"New England Marriages Prior To 1700"
Clarence A. Torrey
(as found on NEHGS CD-ROM, Boston, 2001)
"BORDEN, Richard1 (1601?, 1596-1671) & Joan FOWLE (1609-1688);
Headcorn/Hedcorn, Kent, 28 Sep 1625; Portsmouth, RI/Providence"

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