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Publications 2000-2003 |
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James R. Macdonald Laboratory Publications 2000 - 2003 1. "Linear-Least-Squares Fitting Method for the Solution of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation: Applications to Atoms in Intense Laser Fields," Xiaoxin Zhou and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 61, 053411-1 (2000) 2. "State-Selective K-K Electron Transfer and K Ionization Cross Sections for Ar and Kr in Collisions with Highly Charged C, O, F, S, and Cl Ions at Intermediate Velocities," B. B. Dhal, Lokesh C. Tribedi, U. Tiwari, K. V. Thulasiram, P. N. Tandon, T. G. Lee, C. D. Lin, and L. Gulyás Phys. Rev. A 62, 022714-1 (2000) 3. "Electron Yield Per Ion Charge-State Correction for an Ion Collector with Unsuppressed Secondary Electron Emission," J. Krása, L. Láska, M. P. Stöckli, and D. Fry Czech. J. Phys. 50, 797 (2000) 4. "Symmetry Breakdown in Ground State Dissociation of HD+," I. Ben-Itzhak, E. Wells, K. D. Carnes, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, O. L. Weaver, and B. D. Esry Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 58 (2000) 5. "Observation of a Quasimolecular Ionization Window in Low-to-Intermediate Impact Velocity Collisions of He+ Ions with H2 and He," M. A. Abdallah, W. Wolff, H. E. Wolf, L.F.S. Coelho, C. L. Cocke, and M. Stöckli Phys. Rev. A 62, 012711-1 (2000) 6. "Three-Body Effects in the Fragmentation of D2 by Slow, Highly-Charged Xenon," R. D. DuBois, I. Ali, C. L. Cocke, C. R. Feeler, and R. E. Olson Phys. Rev. A 62, 060701-1 (2000) 7. "Strong Double K-K Transfer Channel in Near Symmetric Collision of Si + Ar at Intermediate Velocity Range," B. B. Dhal, L. C. Tribedi, U. Tiwari, P. N. Tandon, T. G. Lee, C. D. Lin, and L. Gulyás J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 1069 (2000) 8. "Evaluation of Antiproton-Impact Ionization of He Atoms Below 40 keV," T. G. Lee, H. C. Tseng, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 61, 062713-1 (2000) 9. "Charge Transfer in H+ + Ar Collisions from 10 to 150 keV," A. Amaya-Tapia, H. Martinez, R. Hernández-Lamoneda, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 62, 052718-1 (2000) 10. "Electrons Ejected with Half the Projectile Velocity and the Saddle Point Mechanism in Ion-Atom Collisions," Emil Y. Sidky, Clara Illescas, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1634 (2000) 11. "Hyperspherical Calculations of H(1s) + ?+ Rearrangement Collision Cross Sections from Threshold to 2 eV," Z. X. Zhao, A. Igarashi, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 62, 042706-1 (2000) 12. "Charge Exchange in Slow H+ + D(1s) Collisions," B. D. Esry, H. R. Sadeghpour, E. Wells, and I. Ben-Itzhak J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 5329 (2000) 13. "Asymmetric Branching Ratio for the Dissociation of HD+(1s?)," E. Wells, B. D. Esry, K. D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak Phys. Rev. A 62, 062707-1 (2000) 14. "Boundary-Free Propagation with the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation," E. Y. Sidky and B. D. Esry Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5086 (2000) 15. "Experimental Evidence of Transfer Excitation in Ar6+-He Collisions E. Y. Kamber, M. A. Abdallah, C. L. Cocke, M. Stöckli, J. Wang and J. P. Hansen J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, L171 (2000) 16. "Correlated Three-Electron Continuum States in Triple Ionization by Fast Heavy-Ion Impact," M. Schulz, R. Moshammer, W. Schmitt, H. Kollmus, R. Mann, S. Hagmann, R. E. Olson, and J. Ullrich Phys. Rev. A 61, 022703-1 (2000) 17. "Electron Correlations Observed through Intensity Interferometry," M. Schulz, R. Moshammer, W. Schmitt, H. Kollmus, B. Feuerstein, R. Mann, S. Hagmann, and J. Ullrich Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 863 (2000) 18. "Total and State-Selective Electron Capture Cross Sections for B4+ + H Collisions," H. C. Tseng and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 61, 034701 (2000) 19. "Kinematically Complete Investigation of Momentum Transfer for Single Ionization in Fast Proton-Helium Collisions," Th Weber, Kh Khayyat, R. Dörner, V. Mergel, O. Jagutzki, L. Schmidt, F. Afaneh, A. Gonzalez, C. L. Cocke, A. L. Landers and H. Schmidt-Böcking J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 3331 (2000) 20. "Polarization Spectroscopy of O5+(1s23p) States Produced in the Collisions of O6+ with He and H2," H. Tanuma, T. Hayakawa, C. Verzani, H. Kano, H. Watanabe, B. D. DePaola, and N. Kobayashi J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 5091 (2000) 21. "Electron Capture from Elliptic Rydberg States: Impact Perpendicular to the Minor Axis," L. Kristensen, T. Bové, B. D. DePaola, T. Ehrenreich, E. Horsdal- Pedersen and O. E. Povlsen J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33, 1103 (2000) 22. "Low-Lying 3P0 and 3Se States of Rb-, Cs- and Fr-," C. Bahrim and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A 61. 022722 (2000) 23. "Electron-Capture Processes of Low-Energy Si3+, Si4+, and Si5+ Ions in Collisions with Helium Atoms," H. Tawara, K. Okuno, C. W. Fehrenbach, C. Verzani, M. P. Stöckli, B. D. DePaola, P. Richard, and P. C. Stancil Phys. Rev. A 63, 062701-1 (2001) 24. "Two-Center Effect on Low-Energy Electron Emission in Collisions of 1-MeV/u Bare Ions with Atomic Hydrogen, Molecular Hydrogen, and Helium: I. Atomic Hydrogen," Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, L. Gulyás, M. E. Rudd, and R. Moshammer Phys. Rev. A 63, 062723-1 (2001) 25. "Two-Center Effect on Low-Energy Electron Emission in Collisions of 1-MeV/u Bare Ions with Atomic Hydrogen, Molecular Hydrogen, and Helium: II. H2 and He," Lokesh C. Tribedi, P. Richard, L. Gulyás, and M. E. Rudd Phys. Rev. A 63, 062724-1 (2001) 26. "Stripping Energy Dependence of A B3+(1s2 1S, 1s2s 3S) Beam Metastable Fraction," M. Zamkov, H. Aliabadi, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, H. Tawara, and T.J.M. Zouros Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - XVIth Int’l Conf., ed. by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan (American Institute of Physics, 2001) p. 149 27. "Zero-Degree Auger Electron spectroscopy of Quasi-Free Electrons Scattered by Highly Charged Ions," Habib Aliabadi, Ridvan Unal, Mikhail Zamkov, Patrick Richard, Chander P. Bhalla, Hiro Tawara, Mark Gealy, and Asad T. Hasan Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - XVIth Int’l Conf., ed. by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan (American Institute of Physics, 2001) p. 172 28. "Dynamics of the Fragmentation of D2 by Fast Protons and Slow Highly Charged Xe26+," I. Ali, R. D. DuBois, C. L. Cocke, S. Hagmann, C. R. Feeler, and R. E. Olson Phys. Rev. A 64, 022712-1 (2001) 29. "Compton Profile of Multiply-Ionized Fluorine Atoms," K. R. Karim and C. P. Bhalla Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - XVIth Int’l Conf., ed. by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan (American Institute of Physics, 2001) p. 201 30. "Electron Elastic Scattering Resonances in the Collision of Fast Hydrogenic Ions with Molecular Hydrogen," G. Toth, P. Zavodszky, C. P. Bhalla, P. Richard, S. Grabbe and H. Aliabadi Physica Scripta T92, 272 (2001) 31. "Angle-Differential and Momentum-Transfer Cross Sections for e- + Rb, Cs, and Fr Collisions at Low Energies: 3F0 Shape Resonances in Rb-, Cs-, and Fr- Ions," C. Bahrim and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A 64, 022716-1 (2001) 32. "Transfer Ionization to Single Capture Ratio for Fast Multiply Charged Ions on He," R. Ünal, P. Richard, H. Aliabadi, H. Tawara, C. L. Cocke, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. J. Singh, and A. T. Hasan Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - XVIth Int’l Conf., ed. by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan (American Institute of Physics, 2001) p. 36 33. "Velocity Dependence of Electron Removal and Fragmentation of Water Molecules Caused by Fast Proton Impact," A. M. Sayler, E. Wells, K. D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry - XVIth Int’l Conf., ed. by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan (American Institute of Physics, 2001) p. 33 34. "Secondary-Electron Yield from Au Induced by Highly Charged Ta Ions," J. Krása, L. Láska, M. P Stöckli, and D. Fry Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 173, 281 (2001) 35. "Superelastic Scattering of Electrons from Highly Charged Ions with Inner Shell Vacancies," P. A. Zavodszky, H. Aliabadi, C. P. Bhalla, P. Richard, G. Toth, and J. A. Tanis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 033202 (2001) 36. "Electron-Momentum Distributions in Singly Ionizing C6+-He Collisions at Intermediate Velocities," M. A. Abdallah, C. L. Cocke, W. Wolff, H. E. Wolf, and M. Stöckli Phys. Rev. A 63, 024702-1 (2001) 37. "Studies of Charge Exchange in Symmetric Ion-Ion Collisions," C. Y. Chen, C. L. Cocke, J. P. Giese, F. Melchert, I. Reiser, M. Stöckli, E. Sidky and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 469 (2001) 38. "Charge Transfer in Collisions of H2+ Ions with He2+ and Ar2+," H. Brauning, I. Reiser, A. Diehl, A. Theiss, E. Sidky, C. L. Cocke, and E. Salzborn J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, L321 (2001) 39. "Comment on "Importance of Electron Time-of-Flight Measurements in Momentum Imaging of Saddle-Point Electron Emission," M. A. Abdallah and C. L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 63, 056701-1 (2001) 40. "Photoelectron Diffraction Mapping: Molecules Illuminated from Within," A. Landers, Th. Weber, I. Ali, A. Cassimi, M. Hattass, O. Jagutzki, A. Nauert, T. Osipov, A. Staudte, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C. L Cocke, and R. Dörner Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 013002-1 (2001) 41. "Kinematically Complete Charge Exchange Experiment in the Cs+ + Rb Collision System Using a MOT Target," X. Flechard, H. Nguyen, E. Wells, I. Ben-Itzhak, and B. D. DePaola Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 123203-1 (2001) 42. "Boundary Conditions for the Pauli Equation: Application to Photo- detachment of Cs-," C. Bahrim, I. I. Fabrikant, and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 123003-1 (2001) 43. "The Helium Trimer has no Bound Rotational Excited States," T. G. Lee, B. D. Esry, Bing-Cong Gou, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, L203 (2001) 44. "Radiative Decay of Helium Doubly Excited States," Chien-Nan Liu, Ming-Keh Chen, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 64, 010501-1 (2001) 45. "Cross Sections and Collision Dynamics of the Excitation of (1snp) 1Po Levels of Helium, n = 2-5, by Intermediate- and High-Velocity Electron, Proton, and Molecular-Ion (H2+ and H3+) Impact," H. Merabet, M. Bailey, R. Bruch, J. Hanni, S. Bliman, D. V. Fursa, I. Bray, K. Bartschat, H. C. Tseng, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 64, 012712-1 (2001) 46. "The Role of the Potential Saddle in He2+ + H Impact Ionization," Emil Y. Sidky, Clara Illescas, and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, L163 (2001) 47. "Identification and Visualization of the Collective Normal Modes of Intrashell Triply Excited States of Atoms," Toru Morishita and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, L105 (2001) 48. "Measurements of the Mean Lifetime and Kinetic-Energy Release of Metastable CO2+," J. P. Bouhnik, I. Gertner, B. Rosner, Z. Amitay, O. Heber, D. Zajfman, E. Y. Sidky, and I. Ben-Itzhak Phys. Rev. A 63, 032509-1 (2001) 49. "Double and Single Ionization of Hydrogen Molecules by Fast- Proton Impact," I. Ben-Itzhak, E. Wells, D. Studanski, Vidhya Krishnamurthi, K. D. Carnes, and H. Knudsen J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 1143 (2001) 50. "Charge Transfer and Elastic Scattering in Very Slow H+ + D(1s) Half Collisions," E. Wells, K. D. Carnes, B. D. Esry, and I. Ben-Itzhak Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4803 (2001) 51. "Energy Dependence of the Metastable Fraction in B3+(1s2 1S,1s2s 3S) Beams Produced in Collisions with Thin-Foil and Gas Targets," M. Zamkov, H. Aliabadi, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, H. Tawara, and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 64, 052702-1 (2001) 52. "Electronic Excitation Effects on Secondary Ion Emission in Highly Charged Ion-Solid Interaction," T. Sekoika, M. Terasawa, T. Mitamura, M. P. Stöckli, U. Lehnert, and C. Fehrenbach Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 182, 121 (2001) 53. "Near-Threshold Photoionization of Hydrogenlike Uranium Studied in Ion-Atom Collisions via the Time-Reversed Process," Th. Stohlker, X. Ma, T. Ludziejewski, H. F. Beyer, F. Bosch, O. Brinzanescu, R. W. Dunford, J. Eichler, S. Hagmann, A. Ichihara, C. Kozhuharov, A. Kramer, D. Liesen, P. H. Mokler, Z. Stachura, P. Swiat, and A. Warczak Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 983 (2001) 54. "Total Cross Section Calculations on Proton-Impact Ionization of Hydrogen," Emil Y. Sidky and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 65, 012711-1 (2001) 55. "Classification and Rovibrational Normal Modes of 3l3l’3l" Triply Excited States of Atoms," Toru Morishita and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 64, 052502-1 (2001) 56. "Linear-Least-Squares-Fitting Procedure for the Solution of a Time- dependent Wave Function of a Model Atom in a Strong Laser Field in the Kramers-Henneberger Frame," Xiaoxin Zhou, Baiwen Li, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 64, 043403-1 (2001) 57. "Few-Body Problems: The Hyperspherical Way C. D. Lin and Toru Morishita Physics Essays 13, 367 (2001) 58. "K-Shell Photoionization of CO and N2: is there a Link Between the Photoelectron Angular Distribution and the Molecular Decay Dynamics?," Th. Weber, O. Jagutzki. M. Hattass, A. Staudte, A. Nauert, L. Schmidt, M. H. Prior, A. L. Landers, A. Bräuning-Demian, H. Bräuning, C. L. Cocke, T. Osipov, I. Ali, R. Diez Muiño, R. Rolles, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, C. S. Fadley, M. A. Van Hove, A. Cassimi, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and R. Dörner J. Phys. B 34, 3669 (2001) 59. "3Se and 1Se Scattering Lengths for e- + Rb, Cs and Fr Collisions," C. Bahrim, U. Thumm, and I. I. Fabrikant J. Phys. B 34, L195 (2001) 60. "Negative-Ion Resonances in Cross Sections for Slow-Electron Heavy-Alkali-Metal-Atom Scattering," C. Bahrim and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A 63, 042710-1 (2001) 61. "Reply: Igarashi and Lin Akinori Igarashi and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 747 (2001) 62. "Experimental Study of L Distributions from Charge Capture by Si3+ on Rydberg Atoms," S. R. Lundeen, R. A. Komara, C. W. Fehrenbach, and B. D. DePaola Phys. Rev. A 64, 052714 (2001) 63. "Energy Transfer in Ion-Rydberg-Atom Charge Exchange," D. S. Fisher, S. R. Lundeen, C. W. Fehrenbach, and B. D. DePaola Phys. Rev. A 63, 052712 (2001) 64. "The n-Dependence of Electron Capture from Rydberg States," T. Bové, B. D. DePaola, T. Ehrenreich, E. Horsdal-Pedersen, L. Kristensen, K. B. MacAdam, and O. E. Povlsen J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34, 579 (2001) 65. "Strong Correlations in the He Ground State Momentum Wave Function Observed in the Fully Differential Momentum Distributions for the p + He Transfer Ionization Process," V. Mergel, R. Dörner, Kh. Khayyat, M. Achler, T. Weber, O. Jagutzki, H. J. Lüdde, C. L. Cocke, and H. Schmidt-Böckiing Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2257 (2001) 66. "K X-Ray Production in H-like Si13+, S15+, and Ar17+ Ions Colliding with Various Atom and Molecule Gas Targets at Low Collision Energies," H. Tawara, P. Richard, U. I. Safronova, and P. C. Stancil Phys. Rev. A 64, 042712-1 (2001) 67.Erratum: "K X-Ray Production in H-like Si13+, S15+, and Ar17+ Ions Colliding with Various Atom and Molecule Gas Targets at Low Collision Energies," H. Tawara, P. Richard, U. I. Safronova, and P. C. Stancil Phys. Rev. A 64, 059901 (2002) 68. "Observation of a Nearly Isotropic, High-Energy Coulomb Explosion Group in the Fragmentation of D2 by Short Laser Pulses," A. Staudte, C. L .Cocke, M. H. Prior, A. Belkacem, C. Ray, H. W. Chong, T. E. Glover, R. W. Schoenlein, and U. Saalmann Phys. Rev. A 65, 020703-1 (2002) 69. "Absolute Cross Sections and Decay Rates for the Triply Excited B2+(2s2p2 2D) Resonance in Electron-Metastable-Ion Collisions," M. Zamkov, H. Aliabadi, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, H. Tawara, and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 65, 032705-1 (2002) 70. "Fraction of Metastable 1s2s 3S Ions in Fast He-like Beams (Z=5-9) Produced in Collisions with Carbon Foils," M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 65, 062706-1 (2002) 71. "Technique for the Determination of the 1s2s 3S Metastable Fraction in the Two-Electron Ion Beams," E. P. Benis, M. Zamkov, P. Richard, and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 64, 042712-1 (2002) 72. "Near-Threshold Photodetachment of Heavy Alkali-Metal Anions," C. Bahrim, U. Thumm, A. A. Khuskivadze, and I. I. Fabrikant Phys. Rev. A 66, 052712 (2002) 73. "Erratum: Boundary Conditions for the Pauli Equation: Application in Photodetachment of Cs-," Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 123003 (2001) C. Bahrim, I. I. Fabrikant, and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 109904 (2002) 74. "L X Rays from Low-Energy (~2-keV/u) Ions with L-Shell Vacancies Produced in Single Collisions with Atoms and Molecules," H. Tawara, P. Richard, U. I. Safronova, A. A. Vasilyev, S. Hansen, and A. S. Shiyaptseva Phys. Rev. A 65, 042509-1 (2002) 75. "Observation and Analysis (Synthesis) of X-Ray Spectrum Originated from Electron Capture of Low-Energy, Highly Charged Xeq+ (q=26-43) Ions in Single Collisions with Ar Atom," A. A. Vasilyev, H. Tawara, P. Richard, and U. I. Safronova Can. J. Phys. 80, 65 (2002) 76. "Coherent Control of Phonons Probed by Time-Resolved X-Ray Diffraction," A. M. Lindenberg, I. Kang, S. L. Johnson, R. W. Falcone, P. A. Heimann, Z. Chang, R. W. Lee, and J. S. Wark Optics Letters 27, 869 (2002) 77. "Intermediate Energy Ionization of Helium by Proton Impact," E. Edgu-Fry, C. L. Cocke, E. Sidky. C. D. Lin, and M. Abdallah J. Phys. B: 35, 2603 (2002) 78. "Mechanisms of Photo Double Ionization of Helium by 530 eV Photons," A. Knapp, A. Kheifets, I. Bray, Th. Weber, A. L. Landers, S. Schossler, T. Jahnke, J. Nickles, S. Kammer, O. Jagutzki, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Osipov, J. Rosch, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C. L. Cocke, and R. Dörner Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 033004-1 (2002) 79. "Alignment-Dependent Atomic Model for Electron Transfer in Ion-Molecule Collisions," C. D. Lin and Ingrid Reiser Int. J. Mol. Sci. 3, 132 (2002) 80. "Boundary-Free Scaling Calculation of the Time-Dependent Schrödinger Equation for Laser-Atom Interactions," Z. X. Zhao, B. D. Esry, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 65, 023402-1 (2002) 81. "Fast and Slow Collisions of Ions, Atoms, and Molecules," C. D. Lin and F. Martin in "Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science," ed. by R. Pike and P. Sabatier for Academic Press (2002) p. 1025 82. "Comparative Study of the Ground-State Dissociation of H2+ and D2+ Induced by Ionizing and Electron-Capture Collisions with He+ at Velocities of 0.25 and 0.5 a.u.," W. Wolff, I. Ben-Itzhak, H. E. Wolf, C. L. Cocke, M. A. Abdallah, and M. Stöckli Phys. Rev. A 65, 042710-1 (2002) 83. "Circular Dichroism in K-Shell Ionization from Fixed-in-Space CO and N2 Molecules," T. Jahnke, Th. Weber, A. L. Landers, A. Knapp, S. Schossler, J. Nickles, S. Kammer, O. Jagutzki, L. Schmidt, A. Czasch, T. Osipov, E. Arenholz, A. T. Young, R. Diez Muino, D. Rolles, F. J. Garcia, De Abajo, C. S. Fadley, M. A. Van Hove, S. K. Semenov, N. A. Cherepkov, J. Rosch, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and R. Dörner Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 073002-1 (2002) 84. "Electron Transfer and Orbital Hybridization in Slow Collisions Between Excited Hydrogen Atoms and Aluminum Surfaces," B. Bahrim and U. Thumm Surface Science 521, 84 (2002) 85. "High-Order Harmonic Cutoff Extension of the O2 Molecule Due to Ionization Suppression," Bing Shan, Xiao-Min Tong, Zengxiu Zhao, Zenghu Chang, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 66, 061401 (2002) 86. "Double Photoionization and Transfer Ionization of He: Shakeoff Theory Revisited," T. Y. Shi and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 163202 (2002) 87. "Differential Charge-Transfer Cross Sections for Na+ with Rb Collisions at Low Energies," T. G. Lee, H. Nguyen, X. Flechard, B. D. DePaola, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 66, 042701 (2002) 88. "Theory of Molecular Tunneling Ionization," X. M. Tong, Z. X. Zhao, and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 66, 033402 (2002) 89. "Double-to-Single Target Ionization Ratio for Electron Capture in Fast p-He Collisions," H. T. Schmidt, A. Fardi, R. Schuch, S. H. Schwartz, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist, L. Bagge, H. Danared, A. Källberg, J. Jensen, K.-G. Rensfelt, V. Mergel, L. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking, and C. L. Cocke Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 163201 (2002) 90. "Energy Sharing and Asymmetry Parameters for Photo Double Ionization of Helium 100 eV Above Threshold in Single-Particle and Jacobi Coordinates," A. Knapp, M. Walter, Th Weber, A. L. Landers, S. Schössler, T. Jahnke, M. Schöffler, J. Nickles, S. Kammer, O. Jagutzki, L. Ph H. Schmidt, T. Osipov, J. Rösch, M. H. Prior, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C. L. Cocke, J. Feagin, and R. Dörner J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35, L521 (2002) 91. "Triple Electron Capture in Fast 0.5-1.1 MeV/u C6+ on Ar Collisions," M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, P. Richard, T. G. Lee, and T.J.M. Zouros Phys. Rev. A 66, 042714 (2002) 92. "Dramatic Extension of the High-Order Harmonic Cutoff by Using a Long- Wavelength Driving Field," Bing Shan and Zenghu Chang Phys. Rev. A 65, 011804 (2002) 93. "Stark-Induced X-Ray Emission from High Rydberg States of H-like and He- Like Silicon Ions," M. A. Gearba, R. A. Komara, S. R. Lundeen, W. G. Sturrus, C. W. Fehrenbach, B. D. DePaola, and X. Flechard Phys. Rev. A 66, 032705 (2002) 94. "Tunable High Harmonic Generation with an Optical Parametric Amplifier," B. Shan, A. Cavalieri, and Z. Chang Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 74, S23 (2002) 95. "Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with C60 and Surfaces," for textbook on "Multiply Charged Ion-Surface Interaction," ed. by F. Currel (Kluwer Academic, 2002) pp. 119-163. Uwe Thumm 96. "Ultraslow p-bar-H Collisions in Hyperspherical Coordinates: Hydrogen and Protonium Channels," B. D. Esry and H. R. Sadeghpour Phys. Rev. A 67, 012704 (2003) 97. "Probing Very Slow H+ + D(1s) Collisions Using the Ground-State Dissociation of HD+," E. Wells, K. D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak Phys. Rev. A 67, 032708 (2003) 98. "Improving the Energy Resolution of a Hemispherical Spectrograph Using a Paracentric Entry at a Non-Zero Potential," E. P. Benis and T.J.M. Zouros Nucl. Instrum. And Methods in Phys. Res. A 440, 462 (2000) 99. "The Hemispherical Deflector Analyser Revisited. I. Motion in the Ideal 1/r Potential, Generalized Entry Conditions, Kepler Orbits and Spectrometer Basic Equation" T.J.M. Zouros and E. P. Benis J. of Elec. Spec. and Related Phen. 125, 221 (2002) 100. "Ar K X-ray Production in Slow, Highly Charged Arq+(q=8-18) + Ar Collisions," H. Tawara and P. Richard Can. J. Phys. 80, 1579 (2002) 101. "Electron Dynamics in Slow Atomic Interactions with Metal Surfaces and Thin Metallic Films," B. Bahrim, P. Kuerpick, U. Thumm and U. Wille Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 164, 614 (2000) 102. "Interactions of Highly Charged Ions with Fullerenes," U. Thumm Trapping Highly Charged Ions-Fundamentals and Applications, ed. J. 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"Split Diabatic Representation" B.D. Esry and H.R. Sadeghpour Phys. Rev. A 68, 042706 (2003) 142. "Hyperspherical Close Coupling Calculations for Charge Transfer Cross Sections in He2++H(1s) Collisions at Low Energies" C.N. Liu, A.T. Le, T. Corishita, B.D. Esry and C.D. Lin Phys. Rev. A 67, 052705 (2003) 143. "Ultraslow -H collisions in hyperspherical coordinates: Hydrogen and Protonium Channels" B.D. Esry and H.R. Sadeghpour Phys. Rev. A 67, 012704 (2003). Submitted/Accepted [Full reference citation appears in the cases where a manuscript was published after it was listed under this category.] 1a. "Evidence for Parallel Confinement in Resonant Charge Transfer of H-near Metal Surfaces," H. S. Chakraborty, T. Niederhausen and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. Lett., Submitted 2a. "Static Electric Field Effects in the Photodetachment of Cs-," A. A. Khuskivadze, I. I. Fabrikant and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A, Submitted 3a. "Photoelectron-Photoion Momentum Spectroscopy as a Clock for Chemical Rearrangements: Isomerization of the Dication of Acetylene to the Vinylidene Configuration," T. Osipov, C. L. Cocke, M. H. Prior, T. Weber, O. Jagutzki, L. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner and A. Landers Phys. Rev. Lett., Accepted 4a. "Rescattering Double Ionization of D2 and H2 by Intense Laser Pulses," A. S. Alnaser, T. Osipov, E. P. Benis, A. Wech, C. L. Cocke, X. M. Tong and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. Lett., Submitted 5a. "Auger Electron Emission from Fixed-in-Space CO," Th. Weber, M. Weckenbrock, M. Balser, O. Jagutzki, W. Arnold, O. Hohn, M. Schöffler, E. Arenholz, T. Young, T. Osipov, L. Foucari, A. De Faria, R. Diez-Munos, H. Schmidt-Böcking, C. L. Cocke, M. H. Prior and R. Dörner, Phys. Rev. Lett., Submitted 6a. "Alignment Effects in Electron Capture from D2+ Molecular Ions by Ar2+, N2+, and He2+," I. Reiser, C. L. Cocke and H. Braüning Phys. Rev. A 67, 062719 (2003) 7a. "Split Diabatic Representation," B. D. Esry and H. R. Sadeghpour Phys. Rev. A, Submitted 8a. "Comparison of Two Experimental Techniques for the Determination of the 1s2s 3S Metastable Beam Fraction in Energetic B3+ Ions," E. P. Benis, M. Zamkov, P. Richard and T.J.M. Zouros Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B 205, 517 (2003) 9a. "Differential Electron Scattering from Positive Ions Measured by Zero-Degree Ion-Atom Spectroscopy," T.J.M. Zouros, E.P. Benis, T.W. Gorczyca, A.D. Gonzalez, M. Zamkov and P. Richard Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B 205, 508 (2003) 10a. "Triple Electron Capture in Fast 0.5-1.1 MeV/u C6+ on Ar Collisions," M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, T. G. Lee, P. Richard and T.J.M. Zouros Nucl. Instr. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 11a. "Production of the 2s2p2 2De Triply Excited State in Collisions of Quasi-Free Electrons with He-like B3+, C4+, N5+, O6+ and F7+ Ions," E. P. Benis, M. Zamkov, P. Richard, T.J.M. Zouros and K. R. Karim Nucl. Instr. & Meth. In Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 12a. "Resonant (RTE) and Non Resonant (NTE) Transfer Excitation in 4 MeV B4+ Collisions with H2, He and Ar Studied by Zero-Degree Auger Projectile Electron Spectroscopy," T.J.M. Zouros, E. P. Benis, A.D. Gonzalez, T.G. Lee, P. Richard and T.W. Gorczyca, Nucl. Instr. & Meth. In Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 13a. "Doubly Excited KLL States Formed in Triple Electron Capture," M. Zamkov, E. P. Benis, T. G. Lee, P. Richard, and T.J.M. Zouros Nucl. Instr. & Meth. In Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 14a. "Electron Correlation Leading to Double K-shell Vacancies in Li-like Ions," A.S. Alnaser, A. Landers, D. J. Pole, S. Hossain, E. P. Benis, S. M. Ferguson, and J. A. Tanis Nucl. Inst. & Meth. in Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 15a. "Isoelectronic Study of Triply Excited Li-like States," E. P. Benis, T.J.M. Zouros, T. W. Gorczyca, M. Zamkov, and P. Richard Physical Review Letters, Submitted 16a. "Probing Molecular Dynamics at Attosecond Resolution with Femtosecond Laser Pulses," Z. X. Zhao, X. M. Tong and C. D. Lin Physical Review Letters, Submitted 17a. "Hyperspherical Close Coupling Calculations for Charge Transfer Cross Sections in S4+ + H(D) and Be4+ + H Collisions at Low Energies," A. T. Le, M. Hesse, T. G. Lee and C. D. Lin J. Phys. B, Accepted 18a. "Charge Transfer in Slow Collisions Between H+ with Na," A. T. Le, C. N. Liu and C. D. Lin Phys. Rev. A, Accepted 19a. "Re-examining the Elusive Long-Lived States of N- Anions," I. Ben-Itzhak, O. Heber, I. Gertner, A. Bar-David, and b. Rosner Physical Review A, Submitted 20a. "Bond-Rearrangement in Water Ionized by Ion Impact," A. M. Sayler, J. W. Maseberg, D. Hathiramani, K. D. Carnes, and I. Ben-Itzhak Nucl. Inst. & Meth. In Phys. Res. B (2003), Accepted 21a. "Pondermotive Gradient Field Ionization," E. Wells, I. Ben-Itzhak, and R. R. Jones Physical Review Letters, Submitted 22a. "Time-Resolved Photoimaging of Image-Potential States in Carbon Nanotubes" M. Zamkov, N. Woody, B. Shan, H.S. Chakraborty, Z. Chang, U. Thumm and P. Richard Phys. Rev. Lett. 23a. "Three-Dimensional Spatial Imaging in Multiphoton Ionization Rate Measurements" R. Brédy, H.A. Camp, H. Nguyen, T. Awata, B. Shan, Z. Chang, and B.D. DePaola, Journal of Optical Science of America B 24a. "Controlling HD+ and H2+ Dissociation with the Carrier-Envelope Phase difference of an Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulse" V. Roudnev. B.D. Esry and I. Ben-Itzhak, Phys. Rev. Lett. 25a. "Image-Potential States of Single and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" M. Zamkov, H.S Chakraborty, A. Habib, N. Woody, U. Thumm and P. Richard, Phys. Rev. B 26a. "Interference Effects in Double Ionization of Spatially Aligned Hydrogen Molecules by Fast highly Charged Ions" A.L. Landers, E. Wells, T. Osipov, K.D. Carnes, A.S. Alnaser, J.A. Tanis, J. H. McGuire, I. Ben-Itzhak and C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. A 27a. "Molecular Tunnelling Ionization and Rescattering Induced Double Ionization of H2 and D2 Molecules" X.-M. Tong, Z.X. Zhao and C.D. Lin Journal of Modern Optics 28a. "Photon-Ion Collisions and Molecular Clocks" T. Osipov, A.S. Alnaser, S. Voss, M.H. Prior, Th. Weber, O. Jagutzki, L. Schmidt, H. Schmidt-Böcking, R. Dörner, A. Landers, E. Wells, B. Shan, C. Maharjan, B. Ulrich, P. Ranitovic, X.-M. Tong, C.D. Lin and C.L. Cocke Journal of Modern Optics 29a. "Effect of Molecular Structure on Ion Disintegration Patterns in ionization of O2 and N2 by Short Laser Pulses" A.S. Alnaser, S. Voss, X.-M. Tong, C. M. Maharjan, P. Ranitovic, B. Ulrich, T. Osipov, B. Shan, Z. Chang and C.L. Cocke Phys. Rev. Lett. 30a. "Resonant Neutralization of H- Near Cu Surfaces: Effects of the Surface Symmetry, Parallel Confinement and Ion Trajectory" H.S. Chakraborty, T. Niederhausen and U. Thumm Phys. Rev. A 31a. "Single Attosecond Pulse and XUV Supercontinuum in the High-Order Harmonic Plateau" Z. Chang Phys. Rev. A 32a. "An Accumulative X-Ray Streak Camera with 280 fs Resolution" M. Shakya and Z. Chang SPIE
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