Search the JRM Abstracts

This is an index of meeting abstracts submitted by JRM personnel from 1993-2006. The database is continuously under construction, and now holds most available meeting abstracts from 1995-2006 and a selection from 1993-1994.

Abstracts for ICPEAC meetings are unusual in that they permit the inclusion of figures. Beginning with ICPEAC XXII in 2001, figures are included with the abstract; for prior years the figures are not included, though the figure captions generally are.

To find our journal articles, use our searchable database of journal articles, or try the AIP's Scitation. Many of our publications are available online, and the KSU Math/Physics Library has extensive links to the offerings of many journals.

Please enter search keys, such as: ion-ion, electron capture or Richard.

A list of abstract titles matching your search keywords will be presented. Simply click on a title to see the complete abstract.


You may also browse reference materials for
2010 Selected Meeting Abstracts or our Publications page.