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Biking Across Kansas returned to Tribune to begin a zig-zag route of officially 522 miles. On Friday, or Day 0, we gathered, and if you were so inclined, made a run to the Colorado border. I did, of course, with a little diversion to the town of Horace on the way out.

It was seriously hot, dry and windy out, and what should have been a quick and easy 35 miles turned into an exercise in conserving the 48 ounces of water I took with me. That was a preview of the days to come. You can view this in detail at Garmin Connect or at Ride With GPS.

Each thumbnail below links to a much larger image of about 5 MB in size.

It begins.

Loading our bikes at Wichita.






Thanks to Betty DeWitt for once again organizing transportation.



Aboard the bus.

We stopped in Great Bend for lunch.


In Tribune.



Getting the bikes unloaded again.



Once more staying with Bubba's Pampered Pedalers...

...and not in the gym!


BAK staff prepare for the registration onslaught.



Downtown Tribune.



More Tribune sightseeing.



The town of Horace (in Greeley county, of course) is barely there at all.



On the border.



The return trip proved hot and dry.

Sunset over camp.

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