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The last long ride to Tonganoxie on Day 7 was a change-of-pace, featuring lots of rollers. The meandering route took us through Meriden, over Perry lake, then up into Oskaloosa before the exhilarating descent of Hubbel Hill. That evening featured closing festivities, including beer and barbeque.

It was a challenging but fun 65 miles, seen at Garmin Connect or at Ride With GPS.

Each thumbnail below links to a much larger image of about 5 MB in size.

Somebody showed up to fix teh water tower while we were there.

Today was for rollers.



The vultures didn't dine on any riders today, so far as I know.

SAG in a church in Meriden.



Be alert! America needs more lerts!

That would be us...

On the Ozawkie causeway at Perry lake.

Chief Tonganoxie.

Somebody got busted right there in the school lot.


The old hotel hosted the bar and beer garden.


The Gallagher pocket park was the evening's venue.



Tonganoxie's murals.






Pretty flowers and a warm welcome.




One last check-in inside of the school.


A festive evening it was.




The hotel's back yard.


Yes, chicken shit bingo...



Hot Mess BBQ.


We kept 'em busy serving up the BBQ.

Hard to see, but KU and K-State t-shirts.

My aunt and uncle helped sponsor the park, it seems.


The final rider's meeting commences.







Boo the trailer-towed Labrador.

The newbies become veterans.


The barbershop singers lead "Home On the Range".


Did I mention the Free State beer garden?

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