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Day 7 would have been the longest official day, but construction forced route changes that gave us an 82 mile ride to Oswego. Along the route was the Little House on the Prairie museum. The cities of Independence and Cherryvale both had food and festivities in local parks for us. Once in Oswego, the action was at the fairgrounds and the adjacent scenic Riverside Park.

My complete GPS-mapped ride report for BAK Day 7 can be read at Garmin Connect.

Each thumbnail below links to a much larger image of about 4.5 MB in size.





Flag day. Wear your patriotic jersey and enjoy the star-spangled SAG.



Little House on the Prairie museum.


The local asses were not impressed by the cycling silly asses...


"Visitor Parking"





Observatory domes at Independence Community College.

Pie & ice cream in the Independence park.


Another of the concrete arch bridges.


Friendly folks and cold ice water in Cherryvale on a long, hot day.


Cherryvale station, complete with train.



Parasols have issues with the Kansas sinds.

House next to the SAG.

False alarm at the railroad crossing.



Downtown Oswego.




Padre's party shelter. Welcome shade and refreshment.



War memorabilia in the park at Oswego, nest to the ice cream stand!


Scenic overlook of the Neosho river at Oswego's Riverside park.




Group hug by the Parde's staffers.

Final BAK 2013 nightly meeting at the fairgrounds.

Chris Cakes for the final breakfast!

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