JRM Logo LA Story:
Getty Center

In the fall of 2006 I vacationed with my friends Ed Hirst and Alicia Allbaugh at their new home in the LA area. My first major side trip was to the Getty Center art museum and gardens for a dose of culture (and an unexpected lesson in LA traffic...).

Each thumbnail below links to a much larger image of about 1.2 MB in size.
You may also want to see the other galleries from my LA vacation.




The modern achitecture building complex sits high above the city.


On first arriving, take the one-hour orientation tour. It's worth the time.

Most of the antiquities are at the Malibu location, though this Roman Venus is here.

The planets are well-represented in art: Mars and Venus with Mercury, for example.

15th century Italian iconography by Vivarini.

From about 1505, Raphael's Portrait of a Young Man in Red.

Titian's The Penitent Magdalene, about 1555.

Christ on the Cross by El Greco, about 1600.

The Calydonian Boar Hunt, Rubens, about 1612.

A bunny rabbit :-)

Girardon's Pluto Abducting Persephone, about 1700.




Remember, this is in November. I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore.


The center of the formal gardens.


I don't know what they're called, but the blossoms are huge, and come in yellow and white.





The cactus garden hangs out over one side of the complex.



A pair by Vernet: A Storm on a Mediterranean Coast, 1767.

And, A Calm at a Mediterranean Port, 1770.

Bridge Over the Water-Lily Pond by Monet, about 1900.

Van Gogh, Irises, 1889.

For the geek in me, scientific instruments.

Microscope, about 1751.

Weather instruments.

Clock and planetary orrey.

Venus and Minerva. In myth, Paris had to decide whether Juno, Minerva, or Venus was fairest.

Juno and Venus. Although Minerva promised him fame and glory in war, Paris chose Venus.
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