K-State Physics Scholarships

Study Physics at Kansas State University.



Artem and Mattias in PULSAR

Departmental Scholarships

The Physics Departments awards over $XXXXX in scholarships to new and continuing physics undergraduates annually. Students will automatically be considered for all Physics Department scholarships for which they are eligible by completing a K-State Scholarship Network (KSN) application. Students need to update their applications annually. Students should check KSN for application due dates.



Students learning stuff

Other Scholarships

The Physics Scholarship Committee makes decisions on awarding department scholarships each year by reviewing the applications from KSN. Physics students have also had great success in receiving competitive scholarships at the national, university, and college levels such as the Goldwater and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.



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More Physics Video

Still more video content is available on the Physics Department's YouTube page. Use the QR code to the right to get there.

Our video playlists include interviews, fun demonstrations and distinguished lecturers.