Variation of Electron Correlation in Hollow State Formation in Li-Like Ions

A. S. Alnaser, A. Landers, S. Hossain, S. Ferguson, O.A. Haija, J.A. Tanis
(Western Michigan University)

E.P. Benis
(Kansas State University)

Double-K-shell vacancy production in Be+, B2+, C3+ and O3+ Li-like ions colliding with helium in the velocity range 3-9 a.u. has been investigated using high-resolution projectile Auger spectroscopy. It is expected that both nucleus-electron (n-e) and electron-electron (e-e) interactions contribute to the formation of these so-called "hollow" states. The measurements were conducted at Western Michigan and Kansas State, where Li-like ions were accelerated using the tandem Van de Graaff accelerators. The results show that doubly vacant states in Be+ ions are mainly produced by ionization followed by excitation while for B2+ and C3+ both ionization-excitation and double-excitation processes contribute significantly to the formation of these hollow states. The ratio of double-K-vacancy to single-K-vacancy production as a function of the collision velocity for each ion exhibits the electron correlation and the relative strengths of this effect as the atomic number of the Li-like ion varies.

This work was supported by the Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences Division,
Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.

Submitted to DAMOP 2002, May 2002 in Williamsburg, VA.

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